Eric Hilton at Schantz Galleries. photo: Lisa Vollmer
Scottish Artist and Designer Eric Hilton is a skilled master at working glass to convey the aesthetic and philosophical issues that confront artists. “Art for me is a vehicle that synthesizes order into the awe of existence. It is the vehicle for dance, music, poetry, literature and the visual arts. It represents the soul of human consciousness.”
Eric’s true passion is in the creative process in the molding, etching, cutting, sandblasting and the polishing of each work. His process is like painting, as he builds each piece gradually etching and cutting his detailed imagery and patterns over the whole surface. You can find the elements of life – earth, air, fire, and water in his work. “I am influenced by nature from which infinite information can be gleaned.”
Through reflection and refraction, lines he cuts with a copper wheel seem to travel from one surface to another, creating an imaginary landscape or map for the mind to travel. Works by Eric have a touch of the magic of ancient times as well as the futuristic plans for places yet to be explored. Scotland has a rich history of tales and Eric Hilton is a great teller of them, both through his art and his wonderful sense of humor and deep appreciation for the mysteries of life.