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Bloom II
2018 installed at Highline College, Des Moines, WA 2022
7’ x 4’ x 5’ for the blades of the bull kelp
14’ x 6” the stipe, pneumatocyst or bladder of the bull kelp and the holdfast
Bloom, 2018 (detail)
Bloom, 2018
7’ x 4’ x 35” Full length 24’ from fronds to holdfast. Blown glass, into steel molds, pulled out into tubing, cut, heated in a kiln, woven together with copper wire onto a silicon bronze frame work (shaped bull kelp fronds).
Bloom, 2018 (detail)
Salish Nettles, 2018
Jelly no 1. 55” x 85” x 27” 87 lbs; Jelly no 2. 63” x 87” x 20”, 75lbs and Jelly No. 3 77” x 64” x 24”, 82 lbs or 15’ x 8’ x 8’ Blown glass, into steel molds, pulled out into tubing, cut, heated in a kiln, woven together with copper wire onto a stainless steel frame work. This is public art commissioned by Metro Parks Tacoma for the Pacific Seas Aquarium.
Salish Nettle, 2018
Salish Nettles, 2018
This is public art commissioned by Metro Parks Tacoma for the Pacific Seas Aquarium.