Kait Rhoads
Kait Rhoads received her BFA in Glass from the Rhode Island School of Design in 1993, and her MFA in Glass from Alfred University, NY in 2001. She has been an Artist in Residence at the Pratt Fine Arts Center in Seattle, WA, and the recipient of numerous awards, including the Doug and Dale Anderson Scholarship, The Anne Gould Halberg Award, and a Fulbright Scholarship for the study of sculpture in Venice, Italy. She has worked as an instructor at the Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, Deer Isle, Maine, the Penland School of Crafts, the Studio at the Corning Museum of Glass, Alfred University, and the Pratt Fine Arts Center in Seattle.
1999-01 MFA in Glass, Alfred University, New York State College of Ceramics, Alfred, NY.
1989-93 BFA in Glass, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI.
1985-89 Atrium Baccalaureate in Creative Arts, Rollins College, Winter Park, FL.
Public & Private Collections
Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburg, PA.
Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, NY.
Glasmuseum, Ebeltoft, Denmark.
Museum of Glass International Center for Contemporary Art, Tacoma, WA.
Museum of Northwest Art, LaConner, WA.
New Renaissance Hollywood Hotel, Hollywood, CA.
Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, WA.
Toyama Institute of Glass Museum, Toyama, Japan.
Selected Exhibitions
2012 50 Years of Studio Glass, Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft, Louisville, KY.
2011 Contemporary Glass, Palm Springs Art Museum, Palm Springs, CA.
2010 Transformation 6: Contemporary Works in Glass, Hunter Museum of Art, Chattanooga, TN.
2009 12th Annual Whidbey Island Glass Invitational, Museo, Langley, WA.
BIGG: Breakthrough Ideas in Global Glass Exhibition, OSU Urban Arts Space, Columbus, OH.
As Below, So Above, Northwest Museum of Art, LaConner, WA.
Beautifully Crafted, National Glass Centre, Sunderland, UK.
Selections from the Permanent Collection, Museum of Northwest Art, LaConner, WA.
Transformation 6: Contemporary Works in Glass, Western Gallery at Western
Washington University, Bellingham, WA.
2008 Transformation 6: Contemporary Works in Glass, Philadelphia Art Alliance, PA.
Beautifully Crafted, National Glass Centre, Sunderland, UK.
Glorious Glass: Translucent and Opaque, the Arts Center, St Petersburg, FL.
A Clear Mind: Glass Invitational, Figge Art Museum, IL.
SOFA, NY and Chicago, IL.
2007 Shattering Glass, New Perspectives, Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah, NY.
Transformation 6: Contemporary Works in Glass, Society for Contemporary Craft,
Pittsburgh, PA.
Viva Vetro! Glass Alive! Venice and America, 1950-2006, Carnegie Museum of Art,
Pittsburgh, PA.
Behind Glass: Creativity and Collaboration, The Arts Center, St Petersburg, FL.
Glass Lover's Weekend, Milleville, NJ.
SOFA Chicago, New York and PB3.
2006 Brilliant: Celebrating Pilchuck Glass, Sea-Tac International Airport, Seattle, WA.
SOFA Chicago, New York and PB3.
2005 SOFA Chicago, New York and PB3.
Brilliant: Celebrating Pilchuck Glass, Sea-Tac International Airport, Seattle, WA.
2004 Italian Influence in Contemporary Glass, The Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, NY.
Vetri. Nel mondo. Oggi, Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arte, Venice, Italy.
SOFA Chicago, New York and PB3.
2003 20/20 Vision, Museum of American Glass, Millville, NJ.
SOFA Chicago, New York and PB3.
2002 Peacock Vessels, Vetri International Glass, Seattle, WA.
Under 40, Scuola del Vetro Abate Zanetti, Murano, Italy.
2001 Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition, Alfred University, Alfred, NY.
Visionary Women, Bausch & Laumb, Rochester, NY.
Distractions, 171 Cedar Arts Center, Corning, NY.
2000 Solo Show, Northwest Museum of Art, La Conner, WA.

Wavelength, 2022
19.5 x 12 x 16” Soft sculpture using hollow murine woven into a bronze armature with copper wire.

Emerald Dream, 2023
33 x 26.5 x 9” ,

Emerald Dream (Detail)

Soft Sculpture, 2023
8 x 8.5 x 7.5”

Wverm, 2022
27 x 13 x 4.5”

Cyanea, 2019
37 x 19 x 32”

Cyanea (Detail)

Sinistra, 2017
18. x 6 x 26”, Blown purple, pink and blue mixed hollow murrine woven onto steel support structure with copper wire and two steel wall brackets.