April Surgent, Spring Dawn, 2019, Cameo engraved glass, 14 x 19 x .75"
To manipulate glass, space, color, and light in the service of object-making takes training, dedication, and talent. But to manipulate glass, space, color, and light in the service of ideas takes an even deeper commitment. Ralph Waldo Emerson said: “Talent for talent’s sake is a bauble and a show. Talent working with joy in the cause of universal truth lifts the possessor to new powers.” The breadth of ways that artists master the demanding medium of glass is exceeded only by the variety of narratives and subjects they use in search of answers to existential questions—what matters in life, what is our purpose, how do we achieve harmony? As individual viewers, we approach works of art from our own unique perspectives, each of us recognizing our journey towards understanding of self and the world in a different story or subject. Art melds the personal and the universal, reflects our subconscious, and ignites our humanity—but this process looks different for everyone.
The artists in Drawn to Glass— Paul Marioni, Richard Marquis, Charles Parriott, Preston Singletary, Lisabeth Sterling, April Surgent, Cappy Thompson, Veruska Vagen, Ulrica Hydman Vallien, Bertil Vallien, Jen Violette, David Walters, Hiroshi Yamano— represent a panoply of perspectives in this search for universal truth. Each one, through unique approaches to glass-making and unique narrative content, serves as a guide through the often-turbulent adventure we call life. This range of voices represents a powerhouse of talent and ideology, each artist producing beautiful and provoking art. Which one are you drawn to?